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Oceania University of Medicine (OUM)

A Universidade de Medicina da Oceânia (OUM) foi fundada na ilha de Samoa, no Pacífico Sul, para fazer face à grave escassez de médicos, uma situação que se verifica atualmente a nível mundial.

Combinamos as melhores capacidades actuais de e-learning com a formação clínica prática tradicional para levar a educação médica aos estudantes nas suas comunidades de origem - ajudando-os a ultrapassar a distância e as barreiras profissionais para realizarem o seu sonho de praticar medicina.

Porquê a OUM?

  • Estudar a partir de casa: Os dois primeiros anos são realizados em linha, permitindo-lhe estudar a partir de qualquer lugar
  • Rotações clínicas nos EUA & Canadá: Ganhe experiência prática numa variedade de locais clínicos nos Estados Unidos e no Canadá
  • Educação acessível: Continuar a trabalhar enquanto estuda durante as fases iniciais do programa
  • Aprendizagem interactiva e personalizada: Turmas pequenas em salas de aula virtuais ao vivo e orientadas por instrutores melhoram a sua experiência de aprendizagem
  • Currículo híbrido: O currículo híbrido da OUM foi concebido para aqueles que estão ansiosos por entrar em medicina. Com uma forte rede de hospitais de ensino afiliados e um corpo docente empenhado, estamos focados no sucesso e inspiramos a excelência em todos os nossos alunos

Nosso modelo pioneiro de ensino à distância abre as portas para se tornarem médicos para aqueles que não residem perto ou desejam se mudar para um campus tradicional de uma faculdade de medicina. Aceitando estudantes dos Estados Unidos, Austrália, Canadá, Nova Zelândia e Samoa, oferecemos suporte abrangente para atender e compreender os padrões internacionais de licenciamento médico.

Benefícios adicionais

  • Não é necessário o MCAT: Comece sua jornada de educação médica sem precisar do MCAT
  • Prepare-se para os USMLEs e a Certificação ECFMG: Os nossos alunos e licenciados estão totalmente equipados para realizar os seus exames de licenciamento e certificação médica
  • Experiência em saúde global: Participe numa rotação clínica única de quatro semanas nas principais instalações de ensino da OUM em Samoa, acrescentando uma perspetiva global à sua formação médica.
Saiba mais no website da instituição da instituição

5/6 de dezembro: Conheça os embaixadores estudantis OUM

Application Deadline

  • Start in January: Apply by September 1
  • Start in July: Apply by March 1

Start your path to an MD with OUM now.

Application Checklist

  • Certified or official college/university transcripts from ALL institutions attended.
    Certified transcripts must come directly from the institution. We do not accept uncertified copies of transcripts sent directly from the applicant. Some transcripts may require a formal evaluation report to meet medical school application requirements.
  • Confirmation of English proficiency by international medical school applicants whose first language is not English
  • Essay on why you want to become a medical doctor
  • 3 signed and dated original letters of recommendation (at least 1 from a medical doctor)
  • Professional résumé/CV
  • Photo ID
  • $250 Non-refundable application fee (Paid in the home country’s currency by residents in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Samoa, and the US. )

Post-Acceptance Checklist

Upon acceptance to the OUM program, students must also provide the following Post-Acceptance documents
by December 1 for the January Intake, and June 1 for the July Intake:

  • Criminal Background Check
  • Immunization Records
  • Passport-style Photo

OUM Entry Requirements

Applicants must have a:

  • Recognized Bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited tertiary institution
  • GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, 5.5 on a 7.0 scale, or its equivalent

OUM students come from a variety of backgrounds. A Science major is not a prerequisite for entry because the Basic Sciences are foundational to a medical school curriculum.

The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) and the Graduate Australian Medical School Admissions Test (GAMSAT) are not required.

OUM currently accepts students from the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Samoa, where the University has well-established relationships with teaching hospitals and clinics and where it is most knowledgeable of the licensing requirements for international medical graduates (IMGs). This guarantees our students access to their requisite clinical rotations and assures a smoother transition through their hurdle exams into postgraduate training and clinical practice.

If you have questions or would like more information about OUM’s MD Program, please reach out to our admissions counselors by emailing [email protected]

Oceania University of Medicine’s alumni are noted members of their local medical communities, practicing in Australia, New Zealand, Samoa, the USA, Canada, and beyond.

Many OUM alumni stay involved with the University by mentoring students, speaking at recruitment events, and/or sharing their stories in OUM publications and social media. As all graduates are encouraged to remain part of the University community, the Oceania University of Medicine Alumni Association (OUMAA) has been established guided by the vision statement “Connect, Engage, Succeed, Celebrate.”

If you have questions or would like more information about OUM’s MD Program, please reach out to our admissions counselors by emailing [email protected]


    Our international medical school accreditation is an important quality indicator that validates the quality of our educational programs. It also provides our diverse student body with the requisite credentials needed by graduates of foreign medical schools to practice in many countries.

    OUM Is An Internationally Accredited Medical School

    OUM’s MD program is accredited by an international agency and recognized by the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME), which enables graduates to apply to practice medicine in many countries throughout the world.

    In April 2024, the WFME granted the Philippine Accrediting Association for Schools, Colleges, and Universities (PAASCU) recognition status for its accreditation of OUM in Samoa. This recognition ensures OUM’s global standing and retains opportunities for its graduates, ensuring their degrees are internationally recognized.

    PAASCU and the Samoa Qualifications Authority (SQA) have signed a Memorandum of Agreement indicating that SQA recognizes PAASCU’s accreditation of OUM.

    OUM satisfies the United States requirement that graduates of international medical schools who plan to practice in the US must earn their degree from a medical school whose accrediting body is recognized by WFME.

    What Is Accreditation?

    Medical school accreditation standards demonstrate that an institution has met rigorous qualifications, providing confidence that its curriculum is comparable to other well-established medical schools.

    In addition to being an important quality indicator, many countries require that medical graduates applying for licensure in their jurisdictions earn their degrees from institutions with recognized medical school accreditation.

    Who Accredits OUM?

    OUM was first accredited in 2010 by PAASCU, which at the time was one of the 21 medical school accrediting bodies worldwide deemed by the US Department of Education’s National Committee for Foreign Medical Education Accreditation (NCFMEA) to have standards comparable to those of the USA. That accreditation was renewed in 2015 and is valid through April 2025.

    In 2018, the NCFMEA announced new criteria and PAASCU was required to undergo further accreditation of its own, before the end of 2024, for its accreditation of OUM to remain valid. As of April 6, 2024, PAASCU has been awarded Recognition Status through April 2033, pending annual monitoring of continued compliance. This Recognition Status is awarded for the Philippines and Samoa, as follows: “WFME Recognition Status confirms that the World Federation For Medical Education (WFME) is satisfied with the accreditation process, post-accreditation monitoring, and decision-making process of the PAASCU as it relates to basic medical education schools or programs. WFME Recognition Status of an agency confers the understanding that the quality of medical education in its accredited schools is to an appropriate and rigorous standard.”

    If you have questions or would like more information about OUM’s MD Program, please reach out to our admissions counselors by emailing [email protected]

    • Estudantes internacionais:


    • 0
    • Proporção aluno / professor:

      10 para 1

    Why OUM?

    • Study from Home: The first two years are conducted online, allowing you to study from anywhere.
    • Clinical Rotations Across the US & Canada: Gain practical experience at a variety of clinical sites throughout the United States and Canada.
    • Accessible Education: Continue working while you study during the initial stages of the program.
    • Interactive, Personalized Learning: Small classes in live, instructor-led virtual classrooms enhance your learning experience.
    • Hybrid Curriculum: OUM’s hybrid curriculum is designed for those eager to enter medicine. With a strong network of affiliated teaching hospitals and committed faculty, we are success-focused and inspire excellence in all our students.

    Our pioneering distance-learning model opens the door to becoming doctors for those who do not reside near or wish to re-locate to, a traditional medical school campus. Accepting students from the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Samoa, we provide comprehensive support to meet and understand international medical licensing standards.

    If you have questions or would like more information about OUM’s MD Program, please reach out to our admissions counselors by emailing [email protected]

    Financial Aid

    EUA: Como OUM é uma universidade credenciada internacionalmente, estudantes americanos não estão atualmente qualificados para solicitar auxílio financeiro financiado pelo governo.

    Canadá: Consulte as seguintes perguntas frequentes para obter informações sobre assistência financeira no Canadá: "Quais detalhes você pode fornecer sobre assistência financeira no Canadá?"

    Austrália, Canadá, Nova Zelândia, EUA: Todos os estudantes são incentivados a consultar bancos e outros credores como possíveis fontes de financiamento.

    Austrália: Como OUM é uma universidade credenciada internacionalmente, os estudantes australianos não são elegíveis para solicitar assistência do Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS).

    Se você tiver dúvidas ou quiser mais informações sobre o Programa de MD da OUM , entre em contato com nossos orientadores de admissão pelo e-mail OUM

    • Montebello

      Montebello, NY

    • Montebello

      Montebello, NY, 10901, Montebello

      A instituição também oferece:

      Oceania University of Medicine (OUM)