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European School of Political and Social Sciences Mestre em Política Internacional e de Segurança
European School of Political and Social Sciences

Mestre em Política Internacional e de Segurança

Lille, França

2 Years


Período integral

01 May 2025

Sep 2025

EUR 7.300 / per year *

No campus

* Taxas de bacharelado e mestrado: € 3.050- € 9.400 dependendo da receita e da composição familiar

Masters Open Day! - 16 March, 9:30 to 12:00 CET


The politics of violence and uncertainty

The master’s degree in International and Security Politics focuses on key international security issues generated by armed conflict, terrorism, climate change, and transnational migration across the world. At the intersection of defense policy, economics, peacekeeping, and international relations, this training program provides a strong understanding of how public and private actors address these issues and try to solve them, as well as expertise for analyzing contemporary forms of conflicts and hostility, locally as well as globally.


In addition to being an absolute priority for governments across the world, security has colonized our language as much as our everyday lives. Not a day goes by without politicians and media outlets mentioning yet another ‘security issue’. The master’s program in International and Security Politics asks what this tells us about our contemporary world and whether our world has really become more dangerous and uncertain than before.

Na intersecção de estudos de relações internacionais, estudos de segurança e defesa, teoria política, sociologia e história, este programa fornece uma compreensão profunda de como a segurança e a segurança internacional se transformam tanto conceitualmente quanto praticamente em um mundo cada vez mais interconectado e em rápida mudança. Fá-lo analisando o papel dos diferentes intervenientes na definição e abordagem de questões de segurança que se desenvolvem para além do quadro único de acção dos Estados. O programa procura proporcionar aos alunos as competências críticas necessárias para compreender e abordar os mecanismos sócio-políticos que impulsionam as questões relacionadas com a segurança (desde conflitos armados transnacionais e violência até à segurança ambiental e informática) e a crescente incerteza que lhes está associada.

This program in International and Security Politics will enable students to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to diagnose security problems and design appropriate security policy solutions, and to occupy key professional positions in national administrations as well as international and non-governmental organizations. Students will not only benefit from the academic environment of the School, but also from the practical knowledge of security practitioners and experts within various seminars such as a joint seminar with the French Army Command (based in Lille) and the research seminars co-organized with the Collaborative Observatory on Terrorism, Antiterrorism, and Violence (OCTAV).



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